Announcing a groundbreaking Astrology book! Astrology Illumined makes the complex subject of astrology easy to read and thus easy to learn. It bridges traditional astrology and brings the reader into the expanded world of esoteric astrology, the astrology of the soul. Esoteric astrology begins with the premise that the horoscope, or birth chart, is the chart of the soul and how it seeks to make the most of a lifetime. Understanding gained from this perspective is deeply enriching. It changes the framework of how we view our selves, our various tendencies and challenges. Astrology Illumined is for beginners to this ancient art, as it is written with multiple learning styles in mind using graphics, tabulations, and expressive prose; astrologers who want to expand the wealth of traditional astrology into the fullness that esoteric astrology offers; and the spiritual or esoteric student. It is a rich compliment to the study of the western mystery teachings. Astrology Illumined is the new key to astrology. Esoteric astrology begins with the premise that the horoscope, or birth chart, is the blueprint of the soul and how soul seeks to make the most of a lifetime. Traditional astrology uses one ruling planet for chart interpretation while esoteric astrology employs three. This provides for a more extensive interpretation giving three levels of meaning and life expression for each sign. This creates additional levels of interpretation for each factor in astrology. This is achieved through what the authors have called three turns of the spiral. Astrology Illumined brings the reader into the full spectrum of what is traditionally understood about the planets and signs and then gracefully spirals them up into how soul intends the energies of one s chart to be lived. Only Astrology Illumined offers three turns of the spiral of interpretation. Astrology Illumined was written with many different learning styles in mind. You will find graphics, illustrations, and tabulations. In most cases, a picture is worth a thousand words. Astrology Illumined helps the reader understand that growing in self-awareness leads to self-empowerment. Self-empowerment leads to a life of greater purpose and happiness. This is what the horoscope and esoteric astrology are really about.