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J. Lee Lehman

Lee has a Ph.D. in Botany from Rutgers University. She is author of The Ultimate Asteroid Book (1988), Essential Dignities (1989), The Book of Rulerships (1992), Classical Astrology for Modern Living (1996), The Martial Art of Horary Astrology (2002), Astrology of Sustainability (2011), Traditional Medical Astrology (2011), Classical Solar Returns (2012) and a translation from the French of Papus’ Astrology for Initiates . Her correspondence courses, Classical Studies (horary, natal, electional, medical, gaming, mundane and advanced horary), bring classical astrology to the forefront as an astrological system. Dr. Lehman was a Professor and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Kepler College.
She served the astrological community as Research Director for NCGR from 1987-1999, as UAC Board Treasurer from 1990 -1999, and as UAC Program Chair for UACs 1995 and 1998. She is a Life Member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), the International Society for Astrological Reasearch (ISAR), and the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA).

Lee was the recipient of the 1995 Marc Edmund Jones Award, and the recipient of the 2008 Regulus Award for Education. Along with Esoteric Technologies, Lee has created two software report writer programs written specifically for the classical astrologer: Solar Writer/Medicus, for medical questions and decumbitures; and Solar Writer/Classical, for natal delineation in the matter-of-fact style of the Renaissance astrologer. She has developed the innovative add-on to Cosmic Pattern’s Sirius: Who Wins, which captures the rules of Bonatti for warfare for use in researching the outcome of sporting events. Her Perennial Herbal takes ancient astrological herbalism onto the web.

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